To book a reading phone or text 07811 674065
Sophie Anne - Spiritual Readings
Clear Visions - Clear Communication
Experienced and trained Medium, naturally gifted, giving spiritual readings to find your way forward in life or to just connect to your loved ones in spirit.
Sophie Anne is a professional medium trained by the Spiritualist National Union of Great Britain to a high standard mediumship. Sophie Anne passed their examination and is now accredited by the SNU as a speaker and demonstrating medium.
Sophie Anne has experience in many areas of mediumship including demonstrating her gift publicly in churches, teaching aspiring mediums and giving private readings online and in her own home.

Sophie Anne has always been aware of spirit from a young age and has had many experiences of spirit being present in her life.
Sophie Anne has a close and harmonious relationship with spirit and this is proved by the evidence when giving messages of survival which she conveys from the spirit world.
Your 1 hour reading will include messages from your loved ones in spirit, with the extra bonus of a photograph reading of a loved one passed in spirit and if time the reading of 3 cards!
One to one readings – Group readings.